Philippine Folktales
Intro by Gabriela Lee
The folktales of the Philippines are a unique blend of Asian and Pacific origins, Spanish influences from the long period of colonial occupation, and the islands' position as a seafaring trading post between Japan, Indonesia, Korea and China. This wonderful collection highlights Bagobo tales such as 'The Buso-Child' and 'The Tuglay and the Bia'; Tagalog stories such as 'The Aderna Bird' and 'How Suan Became Rich'; and Visayan tales including 'Juan Pusong', among others.
FLAME TREE 451: From mystery to crime, supernatural to horror and myth, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic.
Paperback, 256 pages, 90000 words, 10 illustrations
ISBN: 9781835622582
Series: The World's Greatest Myths and Legends
Dimensions: 198 x 130 x 15.7 mm