Search Results - My First Fairy Stories
A Dying Planet Short Stories
A Study in Scarlet (A Sherlock Holmes Mystery)
Adult Jigsaw Puzzle Nel Whatmore: Love for My Garden
Adventures in Space (Short stories by Chinese and English Science Fiction writers)
African Folk & Fairy Tales
African Ghost Short Stories
A deluxe edition of new writing and tales rooted in ancient culture, this volume explores the deep-seated supernatural element in African storytelling: from the spirits and ancestors of folklore to the vibrantly modern ghosts of today's horror. New and contemporary stories from African voices complement poignant folktales from around the continent.
African Myths
African Myths
African Myths & Legends
African Myths & Tales
Afrofuturism Short Stories
The National Museum of African American History and Culture defines Afrofuturism as exploring Black identity, agency, and freedom through art, activism, and visions of liberated futures. This new anthology expands on the success of Black Sci-Fi (2021) with fresh stories from open submissions and by invitation.
Agents & Spies Short Stories
Aimee Stewart: Once Upon a Fairy Tale (Foiled Journal)
Alchemy Wall Calendar 2025 (Art Calendar)
A new Alchemy calendar
Alchemy: Poe’s Raven (Foiled Journal)
Algernon Blackwood Horror Stories
Alien Invasion Short Stories
Visitors from other planets have long obsessed us. H.G. Wells’ War of Worlds spawned a huge wave of speculative fiction but the roots of such fears run deep in our literature, from Voltaire to Thomas Hardy. Flame Tree’s successful Gothic Fantasy series brings a brilliant new mix of classic and new writing, in this beautiful edition.
Alternate History Short Stories
What if the Ancient Egyptians had conquered Rome? What if World War II had been won by the loser, not the victors? What if women had ruled the world for 4000 years not men? There are so many 'what if?' questions to fuel this imaginative collection created from open submissions and classic tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne, H.G. Wells and more.
American Ghost Stories
American Ghost Stories
American Gothic Short Stories
Ancient Ghost Stories
Ancient Ghost Stories
Arabian Folk & Fairy Tales
Arthur Machen Horror Stories
Arthurian Myths
Arthurian Myths & Legends
Asian Ghost Short Stories
Aztec Myths
Aztec Myths & Tales
Babylon & Sumer Myths & Tales
Beasts & Creatures Myths & Tales
Black Sci-Fi Short Stories
New stories from modern black writers, many published here for the first time, explore the themes of science fiction: discovery, time-travel, genetics and more. This deluxe edition presents them alongside storytellers of an older generation who evoked the living dystopia of slavery: Martin Delany, Pauline Hopkins, Sutton Griggs and W.E.B. Du Bois.