Search Results - William Blake
William Blake Masterpieces of Art
Egyptian Myths
Genghis Khan
Greek & Roman Myths
Myths of Babylon
Norse Myths
Julius Caesar
Myths & Legends
Creation myths, quests, the eternal battle between good and evil, these are some of the classic tales that feed the ravenous beast of modern culture. This new book brings to life the myths and legends of eight intriguing traditions: Native American, Chinese, Celtic, Scottish, Greek, Viking, Indian and African.
African Myths
Egyptian Ancient Origins
The world of Amenhotep, Tutankhamun and Ramses is a story of survival and human ingenuity, which flourished into the enduring civilisation of the Ancient Egyptians, as the first people of North Africa gathered around the Nile to create a legacy that lives with us today. This gorgeous Collector's Edition is a companion to Egyptian Myths and Legends.
Gawain and the Green Knight
Greek Ancient Origins
Indian Myths
Roman Ancient Origins
At its height Ancient Rome ruled North Africa, Asia Minor, the Arabian Peninsula and Western Europe and extended beyond lands once held by the Ancient Greeks, the Assyrians and the Ancient Egyptians. This is the story of a City that grew into an empire, one that laid the foundations of civilization for the next two thousand years.
Achilles the Hero
Alexander the Great
Arthurian Myths
The Tale of Beowulf
Turkish Folktales
Indian Ancient Origins
East African Folktales
The modern nations of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and more inherit the folk and mythic tales of the rift valley region. Here you'll find stories of ogres and tricksters, riddles and poems, and great heroes of history such as Liongo. This new collection is created for the modern reader.
Greek & Roman Myths
The dark forces of the ancient world were held at bay by the resourceful and emerging civilisations of Greece and Rome that formed the basis of Western culture, providing a tradition of fabulous tales that are retold in this new book.
Indian Myths
India, one of the great, ancient civilizations spawned a fascinating canon of myths and legends. With multiple gods, and a riot of colour and character this fantastic new book, explores the themes and landscapes that created the tales, and retells the stories of Krishna, Buddha and Shiva, and some of the many different versions of creation.
Persian Myths
The great works of Persia contain some of the most beautiful, rich and diverse language in the literary world. The Shah Nameh, Masnavi-e Ma’navi, the Anvar-i Suhayli fables and more, rival Dante's Divine Comedy, India's Mahabharata and Sumeria's Epic of Gigamesh in their cultural impact, bringing to life the tales and myths of Ancient Persia.