Search Results - Cycling
Shadow Flicker
Shadow Flicker
Shadow Flicker
Insurance investigator Oscar Basaran travels to Kidney Island to document the negative effects of shadow flicker from wind turbines on residents living near the windmills. As his investigation deepens, he discovers the turbines create a phenomena kept secret by a select group of people on the island who attempt to harness its dark power.
The Gaia Chime
Patricide, an echo of Zeus rising up against Cronos, the young gods replacing the titans. Now, a public murder televised live and across the world prompts filmmakers Seth and Charlotte to trace the threads of blood to the rich and powerful, and the horror of global destruction. Can they stop the Gaia Chime? But what is the Gaia Chime?
The Gaia Chime
Patricide, an echo of Zeus rising up against Cronos, the young gods replacing the titans. Now, a public murder televised live and across the world prompts filmmakers Seth and Charlotte to trace the threads of blood to the rich and powerful, and the horror of global destruction. Can they stop the Gaia Chime? But what is the Gaia Chime?
The Gaia Chime
Patricide, an echo of Zeus rising up against Cronos, the young gods replacing the titans. Now, a public murder televised live and across the world prompts filmmakers Seth and Charlotte to trace the threads of blood to the rich and powerful, and the horror of global destruction. Can they stop the Gaia Chime? But what is the Gaia Chime?