Search Results - British History
Allen Stroud's Elite Lave Revolution
New, remastered edition of the science fiction story soundtrack created for the audio drama adaptation of Frontier's Elite series of space flight sims. The story is set in the history of the game, before 3300AD. The music, the game and...
Born to the Dark
Born to the Dark
The Searching Dead
The Searching Dead
Born to the Dark
1985. Dominic Sheldrake is now a lecturer on cinema. His son Toby has begun to experience strange nocturnal seizures that no medical help seems to be able to treat. Meanwhile Dominic assumes the occultist Christian Noble is out of his life, but his influence on the world is more insidious than ever...
The Way of the Worm
The Way of the Worm
The Way of the Worm
A Rebel’s History of Mars
A Rebel’s History of Mars
Alternate History Short Stories
What if the Ancient Egyptians had conquered Rome? What if World War II had been won by the loser, not the victors? What if women had ruled the world for 4000 years not men? There are so many 'what if?' questions to fuel this imaginative collection created from open submissions and classic tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne, H.G. Wells and more.